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The Effects of Changing Climate in the US Western Region


he Pacific Northwest region of the US has over the years, outpaced other zones in the country in every socio-economic indicator. Known for its enviable physical attributes of high montane ecosystem and warm weather all year round in some places together with abundant biodiversity. The region’s position as among the fastest growing areas in the nation under vast swaths of land with large population concentration in big cities has made it the perennial destination for many. Aside from all these, in the last several years, the zone continues to be the epicenter of the most dangerous natural disasters prompted by changing climatic parameters from high aridity, bush fires, and sometimes isolated patches of irregular heavy rainfall and periodic snowstorms. Additional risks embody subzero and elevated temperature and the warming of the atmosphere. Accordingly, this changing climatic trend coincides with recurrent fires, damage to agriculture, forestry as well as very deadly threats, to the extent that both human and natural ecosystems have come under serious degradation at disturbing rates. This involves mounting concerns over air quality, deaths, water scarcity, the drying of wells, plumes of smog and economic losses. In as much as, all these are attributed to socio-economic, physical, economic and factors. Very little has been done in the literature to fully assess the risks posed to the western region’s environment by changing climate through a mix-scale model. Notwithstanding current efforts of institutions to remedy the situation to no avail. This study will fill that void in the literature by assessing the state of climate change in the US Pacific Northwest region. Emphasis is on the issues, trends, factors and efforts and impacts. With results showing the occurrence of change and recurrent pressures of climatic parameters in the study area. The zone saw increased temperature, aquifer declines, heavy fire outbreaks and ecosystem degradation as well as loss of economic assets and displacement of citizens. The fact that the impacts of change in the zone are manifested notably. The GIS mapping of the trends points to gradual diffusion of climatic risks over different areas in space. These changes are attributable to a host of forces from policy to the economy and the physical environment. The paper proffered solutions in the form of education, enforcement of regulations, the design of regional climate information systems and the installation of advanced early warning systems to alert citizens of impending dangers and risk monitoring.



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Agriculture Commons
