Document Type

Conference Poster

Publication Title

Empowering Nursing Students


This poster presentation aims to unveil the impact of Credo Instruct Information Literacy Modules within a course LibGuide and its impact on undergraduate nursing students' research skills. In nursing education, the strategic integration of Credo Instruct Modules and LibGuides emerges as a guiding light, ushering undergraduate nursing students toward mastery of information and digital literacy skills in a self-paced learning environment. This poster sheds light on the impact of aligning student learning objectives with Instruct modules, creating a clear pathway for undergraduate nursing students to excel academically beyond the traditional one-shot information literacy instruction session. The Credo Instruct Modules align with ACRL standards, SCONUL 7 pillars, ANZIIL standards, and the AAC&U Information Literacy Rubric and establish foundational research competencies needed for student research skills. A course-specific LibGuide, enriched with learning modules, empowers nursing students to access specialized nursing library resources aligned with specific learning objectives from one location. This dynamic fusion ensures students acquire the expertise needed to thrive in the information-intensive healthcare landscape and empowers the librarian to evaluate student learning outcomes through the Credo Insights Analytical Tool.
Key Takeaways:
This presentation highlights the transformative impact of integrating Credo Instruct Modules within LibGuides on undergraduate nursing students' research skills, providing a comprehensive and self-paced approach to information literacy education that aligns with established standards and facilitates academic success.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the responsibilities and strategies employed by Subject Liaisons to enhance students' information literacy skills beyond traditional instruction sessions.
  • Recognize the value and utility of library resources in supporting academic success and professional development in nursing.
  • Gain insight into the evolving role of Subject Liaisons in academic libraries and their impact on student learning outcomes.

Publication Date

Summer 6-29-2024


This poster was presented at the 2024 American Library Association Conference in San Diego, California.
