
Asha D. Bond

Date of Award

Summer 7-1998

Document Type


Degree Name

Honors College


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

S. P. Geralds

Second Advisor

Roger J. Newman

Third Advisor

Beverly Wade


Stuttering is a universal speech disorder. Because of its universality, many methods to treat stuttering have gained fame through the years. These treatments have proven to be controversial. In the United States, two of the most controversial treatments as it pertains to the treatment of stuttering are those based on learning to stutter more fluently as opposed to those based on learning to speak more fluently. The basis of learning to stutter more fluently is teaching the stutter to understand the fal1acies of the speech skil1s that he already possesses. While the basis of the speak more fluently methods of treatment are immediate fluency. This study is a literary review of the of the research and treatment methods available to speech-language pathologists who treat clients with stuttering disorders. During the course of the study, the reader wil1 learn the definition and characteristics of stuttering, differences between the stutter more fluently and the speak more fluently approaches to stuttering therapy, and why the stutter more fluently approach has better long-term results.
