Date of Award

Winter 12-10-2003

Document Type

Master's Research Paper

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Dr. E. Khosravi

Second Advisor

Dr. S. Nemecek

Third Advisor

Dr. J. Dyer


A mobile ad hoc network is a self-organizing network that relies on the cooperation of participating nodes in order to function properly. In this network, mobile users arrive within the common range of a wireless link and collaborate in constructing the network topology in order to facilitate communication. Mobile ad hoc networks do not rely on any fixed, centralized routing infrastructure, so there is no base station to provide connectivity. This must be provided by the participating nodes. Although mobile ad hoc networks are quite beneficial in sparse areas and rescue operations, they have several properties, such as unreliable wireless links, dynamic topologies and membership, and constraints in bandwidth and battery power, that increase their susceptibility to security attacks. This creates several security issues that include collaboration and fairness and confidentiality of location. The new routing protocol extensions presented in this research make it possible to detect and punish selfish behavior; therefore, making it unbeneficial to deter from normal behavior. The presented protocol incorporates an incentive to cooperate in a secure routing protocol. This protocol presents a solution to several security issues in mobile ad hoc networks; however, some issues must still be addressed.
